OpenPlant Modeler Help

Irregular Dispatch Reinforcing - Main Reinforcing tab

Used to set bar properties and distribution.
Bar Size Sets bar size, and whether or not the Stirrup zone.
Dispatch Method Sets the dispatch method selected from the listed options:
  • Vertex – Places Rebar between all Vertices of the Line / Smartlines Connects all vertices.

    (Distribution Values are ignored with this Method & all lines / Smartlines must have same # of Vertices and/or Segments)

  • Spacing – Places Bars at the Start and End of the Line / Smartline / Arc or Spline.

    (Offset values will shift Start and End bars based on values entered) ignoring vertices then distributes bars equally across remaining distance using indicated spacing (Not to exceed).

  • Combination – Combines Vertex and Spacing Methods spacing the bars at the Start & End of each segment (Offsets apply to each segment) then distributes bars equally across remaining distance using indicated spacing (Not to exceed).

    (All Lines / Smartlines must have same # of Vertices and/or segments)

Stagger Length Sets the length that staggers the bar laps.
Guidelines grid The list table displays currently selected guideline elements.
Start Offset Sets the offset at start.
Spacing Sets the spacing between segments. Enabled for Spacing and Combination dispatch methods.
End Offset Sets the offset at end.
Override Qty Sets the segment quantities. Applicable to Spacing and Combination dispatch methods.